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Chandler Christmas 2008

Wow, what a busy holiday season this was. I can’t remember a busier Christmas time with parties, shopping and out of town business trips than we experienced in 2008. Keith even caught that nasty stomach bug and was down and out for 2 or 3 days the week before Christmas. But, once we got past all of that we had a great time celebrating with our family! We got together with the kids and grand kids on the 20th and started the day out with breakfast together and then opened presents. It was so much fun to watch the little ones open their presents. They were so excited about each one that was opened, even when it wasn’t theirs. Rylee’s favorite toy was her Princess Aurora doll, Emery’s was his Cars tent, Jaedyn loved her bakery collection and Liam just enjoyed it all. We played dirty Santa with a twist with the big kids and it got kind of frantic when the fight was on for the waffle maker, the lottery tickets and the Target gift card. I think everyone was happy in the end. We spent the afternoon watching a movie, and then we ate dinner and went to see the Christmas lights at the Yukon Park. The kids were asleep before we got out of our neighborhood, but Emery woke up when we got there. He loves to look at Christmas lights, and this makes me so happy, because it is one of my favorite things to do during Christmas. We didn’t get out to see as many this year as we have in the past, but there was so much going on I didn’t miss it!

Keith and I made a few changes to our Christmas traditions this year……he surprised me with dinner at The Mantle for Christmas Eve….it was wonderful. (hugs and kisses to you Babe) We were going to see a movie, but the show we wanted to see didn’t start until 9:15 and this old lady was pooped! So, we headed home and watched It’s a Wonderful Life. Bright and early Christmas morning we got up to open presents. I got a BIKE…..yay… is a pink cruiser and I love it! My husband is the best. I also got a comfy spa robe from Victoria Secret and some awesome new pots and pans. Keith got a Dallas Cowboy Monopoly game (we have played it a lot), some clothes and a Wii. I think he liked the Wii the best! It’s funny to watch him play Tiger Woods golf and get just as frustrated in the living room as he would on the golf course! We headed over to visit the kids and see what Santa had brought around 3. When we arrived at Michele and Brandon’s house Rylee and Jaedyn were enjoying a bath because they had played ‘dress-up’ with their new makeup! They got a new Elmo that talks, laughs, sits and stands…..cracked me up! After that we headed over to Matt and Christy’s. Emery was so excited to see us that he started bringing out all of his toys. He was over the top excited about all he had received. It was really cute to watch Liam dance to his new Yo Gabba Gabba toy. I think all the kiddos had a super great Christmas.

Keith and I enjoyed a game of Dallas Cowboys Monopoly later that evening and then happily called it a day! I hope everyone had as great a holiday season as we did.

Blessings to you all!

One thought on “Chandler Christmas 2008

  1. I’m glad you had such a wonderful Christmas! The bathrobe from V.S. sounds great and I love The Mantle!This year we decided to only buy presents for the kids – but I think next year we will add Dirty Santa for the adults – that way everyone goes home with a gift and it is a lot of fun! Great idea!I’ll see you and Keith tomorrow!


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